Local Benefits

RES seeks to be a power for good in communities that neighbour our projects by working openly and constructively to ensure tangible local benefits. If consented Steeple Renewables Project could deliver a number of lasting benefits to the community in Sturton-le-Steeple and the surrounding areas including:

Direct job creation
A solar farm could create and support direct jobs, covering a wide range of skills, during the construction, operational and decommissioning stages. Where possible, RES is committed to local recruitment and is also exploring the possibility of supporting local apprenticeship opportunities.

Indirect job creation
A scheme of this nature could result in the creation of indirect jobs. This will include jobs in local industries providing goods and services to the project’s direct employees, e.g., jobs at shops and hotels.

Gross Value Added (GVA)
A project of this type could provide a boost to the regional economy during construction, throughout operation and during the decommissioning phases. This boost to GVA will be the result of increased spending in the local economy.

Annual Business Rates
Throughout its operation, a project of this type could generate annual business rates which will be payable each year.

Community Benefits

We take a tailored approach and will work directly with the community to understand how the project could support the local area and help to secure long-term economic, social and environmental benefits. In consultation with the local community, RES will explore the possibility to deliver its Local Electricity Discount Scheme (LEDS) as part of a tailored community benefits package, once the project is operational.