Statutory consultation

Thank you for visiting our project website for our refined proposals for Steeple Renewables Project, your feedback is valuable to us as we develop our proposals.

This consultation process has been designed to provide transparent information about the project and to encourage your feedback on the emerging proposals which have been informed by feedback received at our informal early consultation. The statutory consultation is a formal requirement for NSIPs and offers a vital opportunity for community input in shaping the final proposal submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.

Please view our consultation materials on the document library here.

We encourage feedback on all aspects of the project, but your local insight on the following areas would be especially valuable in helping refine the design:

• The overall proposals for Steeple Renewables Project
• The updated site plan for the land under consideration
• Measures proposed to avoid or minimise impacts identified in our preliminary environmental assessments
• Whilst outside of the considerations for the DCO application, our proposals for community benefits and LEDS.

Our statutory consultation will run from Monday 20 January until 11:59pm on Monday 03 March 2025.

Have your say

There are a number of different ways you can respond to the consultation:

Online: You can complete the feedback form on this webpage by clicking the link below:

Downloadable Feedback Form: Click here to download a copy of the feedback form. This can be printed, completed, and returned at one of our in-person events or via the Freepost address: FREEPOST Steeple Renewables Project (no stamp required).

Email: You can provide comments by email at 

Join us at our statutory consultation events

We are holding three in-person events where you can meet the project team and ask questions about the proposals. These will be held on:

  • Saturday 1 February 2025, 10am-3pm at Sturton Hall and Conference Centre, Brickings Way, Sturton-le-Steeple DN22 9HY
  • Wednesday 5 February 2025, 2pm-7pm at Memorial Institute, South Leverton, Town St, South Leverton, Retford DN22 0BT
  • Wednesday 19 February 2025, 2pm-7pm at Sturton Hall and Conference Centre, Brickings Way, Sturton-le-Steeple DN22 9HY

People who are unable to make the above events can view the early proposals at a virtual exhibition here

We held the following online webinar:

    • Wednesday 12 February 6:30pm-8pm: View the webinar below

Deposit locations

You can also visit one of our community deposit locations to pick up a copy of our brochure and feedback form and a freepost envelope: 
Retford Library
17 Churchgate, Retford, DN22 6PE
Open Monday-Friday 9am-6pm and Saturday 9am-3:30pm

Gainsborough Library
Cobden St, Gainsborough DN21 2NG
Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-1pm

Bassetlaw District Council Offices
Queens Buildings, Potter St, Worksop, S80 2AH
Open - Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Retford Town Hall
Chancery Lane, Retford, DN22 6DG
Open Monday - Friday 7am-3pm

Sturton Hall and Conference Centre
Sturton Hall and Conference Centre, Brickings Way, Sturton-le-Steeple DN22 9HY
This venue does not have regular opening hours please check the hall’s timetable at 

Unable to get online?

If you are unable to access the internet and unable to attend one of our in-person events, you can contact the Project’s information line on 0115 718 2070.

A member of our team will be happy to arrange for copies of the consultation materials and printed feedback form to be sent in the post. We can also provide you with a downloaded copy of the PEIR on a USB stick free of charge. A hard copy of the Preliminary Environmental Information Report can be requested for a charge £0.35 per page to cover printing and posting costs. If you would like any documents in large print, audio, or braille please let us know.